What is wonderful to consider is this is enough money to:
"just about the precise amount to pay for ALL the counseling and psychological care for the children for the year. (salaries are a fraction of what they are in the States as you can tell). I think that it is fair to say that if your donors want to visualize what their money is doing, you can tell them that kids who are grieving and/or are having a really hard time with their losses, the realities of their HIV status, teen angst, school problems, etc. are receiving help, thanks to their generosity. " --Kathryn, Executive Director, AHOPE for Children.
Thanks donnors for your kind support. Our money will be put to good use. And it is quite a needy cause. Because, depending on the data source, somwhere between 15 and 20% of orphans in Ethiopia (thats 100's of thousands of kids, teens, and now soon to be young adults) have tested positive for HIV or are afflicted with AIDS. And helping provide psychological help for them and their families is a great need for your contributions.
The funrasier was done as a casual party-gathering way that also had triple billing as a celebration for Alexi's adoption into our family and this old farts 40th birthday. I lost my camera just prior to this event but luckily a friend at the party (thanks Stacy) had her camera and took some photos.
thanks again to all the generous donors.