What response do you expect from two rabid snow junkies when you ask:
Where do you go for a good powder fix away from the crowds?

Go up to the Tetons for some pow skiing of course!!
The Tetons up near Jackson Hole is a fantastic place to get away.

We have been going for nearly 15 years strait. Since we had to go, and leaving behind our new found joy is an unconscionable offense to such an agreeable child, we had to take Alexi.

Alexi was a pretty good trooper. He certainly enjoyed getting out and about. Or getting cuddled in the yurt.

But the trip was not free of misshaps. Alexi was a bit cranky and on the way in a minor disaster happened. We were about 3 miles in from the trailhead with a little over one mile to go. We were sliding along under a blue-bird blue sky. Things were going so smoothly. ......Too smoothly.
Then it happened. I was towing the chariot on the skin track and came to a moose track crossing. Not thinking too much about the lurking danger, as my long skis always span the chasms of moose footprints, I crossed over them and moved full steam ahead. Our little chariot has much smaller skis. The frail little things dropped in a moose track hole and augured into the snow. Momentum, usually my friend, was not here. The weight of gear and Alexi in sled caused the ski skid to snap. Bellow is a picture of the after math damage (taken in my garage).

Not to be deterred, it was time for field improvisation. (As most of you know, this is one of my specialties and it was time to rise to the challenge). I found my trusty Gerber tool and proceeded to hack down a nearby willow sapling. The tool blade snapped off in mid project, leaving me staring in disbelief at the broken blade poking in the snow.
Luckily someone else came prepared and had a imitation Swiss Army knife. Well, the blade on this one was up to the task. I fashioned the stick to insert a few inches into the top mount providing cantilevered force back to the tip of the skid. A little duck tap and, Viole', ......go as new, (sort of).

The "field fix" held up remarkably well. I was able to summit Beards Mt and get photo op of the Bug with the cloud shrouded Tetons in the background.

Later on we found out why Alexi was a little fussy. He has just popped out two new teeth!!