Boy seems to really love the snow.
Now THAT is a GOOD thing!
Supreme commander of the Nordspeps riding his ski sliding slave creature.
OK, the sled is now in retirement. Although heavy, this works. He is happy as a clam in his shell (ducktape and all). He just mumbles along. Giggling when sliding gets fast and bumpy. Since he loves to bite his gloves off, I took his suit and gloves and made a modification. I sewed strips of velcro "hook" to suit and then strips of velcro "loop" to gloves. Hopefully this replaces the need for ducktape. Although ducktape is not necessarily a fashion problem. Many a skier has had to improvise a patch to the torn clothing when needed. That is probably where the term "ripping skier" evolved from.
Alexi preparing to go into the snow. At least I think he is in there somewhere.
Note the duck taped gloves to stay on hands.
Guess what Santa brought Papa. ....The new 3G i-phone!!!
Now the pic posts should be easier again.