Can you believe it? Three time flies. Well, to add some fun to big boys B-day fun, his cousins were in town. Alexi below with cousin Santana ripp'n it up on the scooter and bike.

Let the festivities begin: wack the dino. Great fun, here is Alexi give'n it his best shot.

The dino was pretty resilient so off came the mask and on went the wacking
Going in for the goods:

Hard to imagine all these kids just sitting still, but there you have it...the wonder of magic

As special guy of the day, Alexi got the first pet of the dove which magically appeared out of a box.

He wasn't quite sure what to do with the bunny however... maybe he was hoping for cake instead??

And then there was balloons and face painting. By this time Alexi had fled the scene to get a head start on the cupcakes, which really needed someone to lick the frosting off the top for them.

A little swing on the porch while enjoying the sugar high

And there he is: in his original birthday suit, all sugared up, and officially three!