Saturday, January 5, 2008

camo boy

Anyone up for huntin' ? Thanks to G-ma Sharron, a fat package of Gap Kids stuff came in the mail for Alexi.

Given his choice, he went right for the camo vest. "Hmm, we got us a natural born sportsman?" I said to wiffy, who was a bit nonplussed at the thought. Christy is a bit gun-shy from seeing child victims of the self- and relative-inflicted gun shots in the Emergency Department.

Still, Alexi's budding passion for camo, shows he is innately inclined to the outdoor life. I cannot hardly wait to take him mountain biking. Trailing him on say, Slick Rock trail in Moab??

I know Alexi would be game ("faster daddy, faster"), but will his chariot and his pulling beast be up the callenge?

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