Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another day of Mundane...lets take in the farm.

Yep, back to normal around here. Tomorrow is Neurology exam for Alexi, but lets get to something I have been meaning to get around too for some time now.

Christy's mom Judy came a couple of weekends ago to watch Alexi while Christy and I did LOTOJA. This acronym stands for Logan to Jackson. We did it on our road-bikes, all 206 miles of it in just under 12 hrs. Christy crossed the finish line with her friend Abby (here they are in the home stretch before finish line.) I was only 4 minutes ahead of them, as we pretty much rode most of the way together as a team.

Tired, but happy we posed for obligatory picture with finish line in background. All the months of riding prep that had gone into getting ready had payed off. We got there 1 hour faster than predicted. And were left capable of still standing.

Mamma Moose (alias for Christy's mom) apparently had her hands full with Alexi. The daycare cold Alexi had brought home and given to us, he also gave it to Grandma. But in a few days everyone was feeling better and a trip to the state fair was in order.

Alexi loved the fair. He wanted desperately to run wild with the goats.

He dug riding the merry-go-round with Momma

The Life-Flight helicopter pilot training with grandma was a hit. This training will allow him to help Mommy take care of her ER patients.

But the big hit was ....tractor sitting!

And to crown of completely cool day at the county fair......
......the obligatory poster shot behind a cardboard cut-out.

1 comment:

Its Time to Live said...

looks like a great match congrats