Its an indicator for the danger level assessment coming from the Avalanche Forecast center. When the flower blooms red or black, you might as well not even think about trying for a backcountry turns. When Orange, proceed with caution. But when it is yellow, it pretty mellow. And when green, you gotta get your smile and grin.
....Especially when there is 2+ feet of fresh out there.
So Twigalicous and Powderprincess (nom du piste' names for Wiffy and Christine) took Birthday Boy for a little tour.

Then my beauty spied a beauty amongst the beauty.

And who was given the first dibs honor? ....why, that would be BirthdayBoy ....aka. Helmut, .....aka TwoTurns (and many other names that are not fit to be printed here!)
Drooling at the top of this line was thrilling.
Post turns was still full of drooling. We were first tracks on this run which is named Potato's But that name, today, is a bit of a misnomer. In stead of sticky, gooey stuff, it was much diffrent. She needs a new name. like Fluff Delicious Delight, or Face Shot Munch Munch I love U, (or something like that).
More! Daddy MORE! .....I WANT MOOOOORE!
So, neglecting work for a little while longer was in order. We grabbed the other side of the canyon for a home run. Suffice it to say, we were not disappointed.
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