On the last day of our National Parks tour we took in Bryce Canyon National Park.
A cold front was well on its way in as we set up to stomp down into the canyon.

We bundled our buggy up in lots of warmies and set of down the trail.
Down in, it started to snow.

This made for eerie contrast that was most pronounced the reds of Wallstreet.

Bug boy, mean time, oblivious to the surrounding, is snoring away under his bundle.

Alien landscape materialized in the mist as a pair of natural bridges confront us.

Cold but gleefully happy, Wiffy and Her momma, stop for a pic with furious snow pounding down around us.
Then there starts a peep from the package.

As we near the end of our hike as we near the top the Package set to groaning. Alexi is awakening from his cozy slumber, then we give him a peak of the strange surroundings.

Two words from his mouth:
"oooh" ......then "Ba-ba."
We hustle back to the warmth of the car for food and the elusive, but high in demand, bottle of milk.
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