The magical thing about going to Gma Judy's and Gpa Bill's house, is that miracles really do come true, especially if you are obsessed with motorized vehicles like 4-wheelers (otherwise named wawa's for the sound they make...)
Alexi can't believe it's true, all the books he has read, the pictures he has studied, all his hard work has lead up to this very moment, the moment of truth...
The moment where when momma realizes that there is not enough hair dye in the world for her to make it to Alexi's 30th Bday...the moment momma realizes it's a loosing battle, the little man loves his motorized crafts.
After 'playing' on the instrument of evil, the little man figured out the 3 step process of how to turn it on, all by joke. It took momma longer to figure out how to get the darn thing started. Luckily, little man's legs weren't long enough to kick it into gear (at least until next year....)
there was only one thing to do...find the biggest helmet known to man
and then, it's off to the races sport's fans...

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