Monday, December 30, 2013

Xmas 2013

The Big Day Arrives! Chaos ensues! Woo Hoo!! 

 On your mark, get set, let'r rip!

Jer stops for a breath of air

G'ma Judy and Santana head off in an Xmas opening contest….

Boyz show off their prize toys

Santana shows off her super scooter


No rest for the weary... a few days in Big Sky before heading to a cabin in Hamilton MT
Jer chewing on his lamb bone

A little low on snow this year in MT...

Oblivious to the ski conditions, kids amuse themselves with hours of Fooz

Julian prepares the evening's feast. Got to love those French!

Louie offers his help in the meal preparation by keeping the kitchen clean


Firecracker Hucking

Last Act: the twirling glowstick act

Slip, Slide and Away: the road home

Andi takes the prize with a technical curve sliding score of 8.5 

A little snuggle for the trip home

Some toys had to wait, but luckily the boyz got some quality time with them once we arrived back home..

Taking a breather after a hard day of playing

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