After a very long plane ride-we arrive!
Below: View from our new temporary pad
Puerto de Mogan
Well so far so good...however, what vacation is complete without a debacle? We got ours out of the way the first day. Missed flight to Gran Canaria and unable to get us all together for the next flight out... Rolf, Andi and Tahlia back in Madrid hanging until a later flight, we were in charge of groceries, and some post flight cocktails.
We had the luxury of meeting the property manager who showed us how to find the apartment. Can I just say, this was no small feat. A random side "street" which was basically an outside stairway up a hill with houses stacked on either side...a random turn off to a random looking entrance. Surrounded by rooftops...the privilege of hauling your heavy luggage up endless stairs..
Last communication with Rolf was basically how to get to the town, the map to the place is confusing, and it is better if we just meet you when you get here. No problem, right? Crew due in a we all passed out for a couple of winks. Turned the phone volume up to max so as not to do the sleep through the ringer...
Well you have probably guessed it by now....somewhere deep in a coma I hear Alemayehu saying someone is knocking on the door...Then a little louder..Mommy! Someone is at the door, and a little louder: MOMMY WAKE UP THERE IS SOMEONE AT THE DOOR!!! I am yanked back into a conscious state... Where am I, what time is it, what the ?*%. What the ?*% is right! Rolf and Andi at the door, knocking to have someone let them in. Dark-check, raining, check, almost out of gas, check. No one answering their phone calls!! check, check.
So I suppose this is one of those Rolf adventure stories... cryptic map that he had a photo of on his iPhone, middle of night in foreign country where no one spoke english, jet lag combined with sleep deprivation. Sounds like a Rolf adventure to me! Just missing a head lamp, which is usually optional in most Rolf adventures.
But there they were, against the odds. Profuse apologies and wine followed. Along with a phone check....yep the only thing that bad boy was doing was vibrating....volume up, ringer off-oops.. Crown of shame, check.
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