After such a piquing ride, we arrived at the office rather alert and were delighted to hear we would be seeing Ali in a moment. Then in just a few signatures on just a few forms, we were whisked down the street to the care center. Thru the gate and into the yard. Then up the steps to a closed door. Nursery #1 and behind would be a packet of kids. One of them is named Alemayehu Abiye.
They had given us name tags. Apparently for the care givers to identify us, for you dont want just any person walking into an orphanage and start picking up the children. On the front was Ali's full name (see photo), but what was with the stuff underneath. "Coffeey, Dean and Debra." That is pretty far off from Chris and Christy Hopkins. Was he miss-assigned to the "Coffee" family! Like the airlines, was Ali a double booking? Had we come this far only to be told, sorry you cannot have him, he is already taken. This mystery was to remain unsolved for it did not seem to cause any confusion in the downstream affairs. We were just referred to as "The New Parents of Alemayehu."

New parents..... wow, another reality hitting home. We are now parents! Woo-hoo. OK then, where is my kid? I want to see my kid. What is behind door # 1? I gotta know! Did I win? Do I get the prize? Half expecting another desk and someone behind, ready to hand me more forms to fill out, our guide opens the door.
There, on the floor are 5 cute little rug rats. All of them pop their heads up to this new distraction at the door. I recognize Ali instantly. His big brown eyes impossible to miss. His now classic startle expression suggest he is thinking "OH NO, its THEM! The ones they have been telling me about!!"

Christy is first there to pick him up, of course. Snatching him up as fast as she can, but with measured restraint and delicacy, so not to upset the child. Instantly, new mommy is a hit. Mommy kisses are his favorite.

Like me, he likes the taste of life. For him, this is a literal definition, for everything that goes near his mouth, he will attempt to insert it in his mouth.

He is so adorable we just can't wait to take him home.
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