And sleeping (but very little of that).

and general hamming it up.

Our little pooper did quite well actually. two mid-night "wakies" for the bottle. The second bottle was preceded by outstanding performance. He was fidgety and crying as we tried to get him to take the bottle. The little contortionist was wiggling and arcing his back. Is this what I think it is? is he gonna.....then it happened.
Modified stock, have you ever heard of that? As I understand it, it is when you take a brand new vehicle and fix it up for higher performance. The vehicle I am thinking of is a Harley. You know, the ones they drill the holes in the muffler. Well our little dude came up with a very good impersonatation of a modified Harley roadster. In one of his pained arcing contorts he blared out a exaust blast from his rear end that I am sure woke up all the other families in the guest house.
After the shock of the auditory assault sunk in, then the olfactory insult hit. OH MY GOD! that little pooper can stink. I mean S.T.I.N.K.
And man, what a mess it was down below. Ran through nearly half our stock of baby wipes cleaning it up.
Looking at wiffy as we went back to bed. The simultaneous thought running through our minds was:
"Oh boy, our lives are gonna change"
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