Well, sort of. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, stress over trying not to drive on the wrong side of the road, a bad case of the grungries (being grumpy b/c you are hungry), poor night vision, or a poor understanding of local lingo and road signage.
We were close to the turn off..per the map and the locals. Just up the road 'a bit'. Well after several 'bits' we were in the middle of nowhere, or so it seemed. Going up an endless pass through the rainforest and then down again. No signs, no other cars..hmmm.. gas tank getting 'a bit' low.
Finally a sign. WHERE? Confirmation: completely off track. Stomach sinking, 10 pm, gas more than 'a bit' low. After a few attempts at finding some human life, we spied a light, which thankfully was the start of a small town, and luckily a place to stay and some friendly locals.
We were just short of Golden Bay (on the opposite side of Abel Tasmen of where we had planned to be). But actually, it ended up being a delightful "find" (work used very loosely here). Re-grouping over breakfast, we watched the local Xmas parade, chatted with locals, and went to visit some of the local sites.
A view of the local area:

Split Rock

Our first visit to the rain forest:

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