We had made arrangements to do the Rotburn Track. The plan was to spend three nights on the trail, two of which would be in huts, and the middle night camping.
The land truely is enchanted. Everywhere you look down the trail emerald green and moss covered trees.

Cerulean blue streams....

...and proud mountains domineer the skyline.

On the smooth trail sections Alexi was a self-motivated delight. Only occasionally pausing for snuggles by clear water streams.

But the second day was hump day, with rough trail up to the pass. Christy Became Alexi's sherpa, answering to his beckon call.

Once at the top, it was time for a much needed break from lugging the Mr wiggles. The difficult terrain was quite tiring for Christy, for when she was carrying the bug, her load was probably a near equivalent of mine (approx 60 lbs). Add to that the wiggling and lunging; it can get quite tiring.

Thankfully, much of the trail was buff enough for Alexi to tramp it himself. And what the tramper he was, frequently zooming off down the trail, and then calling back with a waving of his hand, "Common Momma. Come Daddy. Lets go"

The last night we were luckily to be in a solid hut. That night one of the most vicious downpoors I have ever experienced; 9 cm of rain in about an 8 hr period; serious torrent magnified by lightning and thunder. Yet the morning awoke to a beautiful site of clearing mist swirling above the shimmering lake, only a dozen paces from the cabin's front porch.

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