Well, it was a not-too-exciting weekend of misty, drizzly rain. A good weekend to work inside, on the renovations we have been planning up at the cabin. We need to buff out the cabin to allow us to list it as a vacation rental. The service we are using (mount majestic) has us pushing a listing a little beyond its current status, thus we need to make renovations to get it up to the billing.
We painted and furnished the two bedrooms in the basement (easy), but the other half of the basement is unfinished concrete and cinder-block (Ugh!). So, to make it more hommey, we have set out to finish the basement with drywall and wood floors. Two rooms will be made (game room and workspace). Covering the cinder-block/cement requires framing. And doing a damp basement with fur studs is just asking for rot trouble, thus I turned to metal framing. It is pretty much the same price as wood, but cannot rot and will not conduct moisture. It has its attributes (easy to size/assemble with tin-snips and drywall screws) and its drawbacks (sharp, vicious finger-cutting edges). Then theres learning to hang drywall and puddying up a perfectly smooth joint. And floor, "easy" to assemble click-in-place laminate flooring. Requiring a big "wee bit" of hammering to get tight junctions (ouch! my thumb!).
While I was torturing my hands and creating chronic back pain in the basement, Alexi and Moma were having fun upstairs. Well, as much fun as one can having to keep a young one locked-up inside, out of the rain. Patience is not turning out to be one of Alexi's innate skills. boredom on his part (and probably Christy's too), found them taking a hike in the rain. Getting back rather wet, a bathtime fine-time was in order.

Booger-brains is really after my heart, cuz he really digs water. Fifteen minutes of bath time is not enough for Water Boy. He could spend hours splashing away. These are fine attributes that bode well for making him a good kayaker. In fact, taking him to the community pool at Fairmont Park is a super treat for him. Its all splash, splash, splash and bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. Half hour later his teeth are chattering and he his still is all-smiles, pointing for me to take him to this thing, or that. Like bathtime, he protest the ending. Crying and squirming he is extracted from the water.

Lets just say, the house is not as organized and tidy as is used to be.
On to other scary things, Halloween is coming. We just got him an alligator suit at Costco. He looks quite cute in it, but we have no pictures yet. We'll get plenty of that at Halloween. But scary things are happening now already. I was saving the pic where I made the edit of a vanity clover leaf and this is what I got.....

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