Did another
Mt Wire today. Took the "Thrones Direct" route, then scuried up the ravine to give the dogs a break from the heat (heat? you say, this close to November?) Well the ambient was an unseasonal warm of at least 75 and the route is a west-facing, afternoon-sun catcher.

This view is a gimps of the now defunct airport beacon at the summit.

Alexi is a great backbacker. Loves the ride up, then out-and-about at the top.

No so enamored with the impeding beautiful sunset, Alexi turns his back on it and explores more intersting things, like rocks and.....

"Hey, wait! What that up there?????"

Alexi discovers the airport beacon tower and is suddenly enthralled.

It became difficult to keep him off it as the ladder was just too inviting.
Speaking of attractive nuisances for mischievous hands, Alexi is taking to crawling up on things. He just figured out how to climb up on a chair. And you know where that extends....
Distracted for a second, I turned around to see him up on the table, getting set to stand up and walk-the-plank.
We need to get that sibling for him, yesterday. cuz he needs a play pall pronto.
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