Talia (aka the "T") retains a deep attachment to Theo (aka, in T vernacular, "Peo").

This relation ship between T and Theo developed nearly two years ago when Rolf and Andi stayed with us for a few months. The had renters that needed their house before they were set to leave to the east coast for Rolf's Nurse Anesthetist School. So to help our friends out of a financial pinch. They either would have to rent some other place for themselves to stay a few months, or go out early and try to live on shoestring budget before the jobs and school loans kicked in. So what do friends do for friends in a bind??? .......Come On In, Stay a While!
Their recent visit was short but sweet. Prior to the wedding, we organized a gathering of the old core of compadres. Everyone together and lots of kids running around now (sorry no pics, forgot my camera).
Party wound down on early for a Saturday night. I guess we getting to be old-folk now, feeling that 9:30 is seeming just-a-bit late. Only late night parties for Christy and I are the pee-puke-n-poop parties occasionally held by Alexi in the wee hours of the morning. Lately we have been blessed with a good nights sleep, with goober seldom rising before 6:30-7.
Andi is incredible in her fashion sense. She gave a cute/goofy looking hat to Alexi which he loved. Somehow the color was just right to bring out facial features.

Alexi in heaven: His "new" used cell phone, a cool hat, .......and strip of drool across chin. YEA!
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