Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Canary Island's-Top of the World

Daddies finally get a day to ride. And ride they did! After a 3+ year hiatus from biking, Chris came back strong, at least for the first 20 miles...the last 20, well, they were like the last 20 miles if you haven't biked in awhile, like a really long while. But hey, as the marines say...'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!' Nothing a little motrin and beer can't cure...

Mommies n'kids take a drive to the top of the island to take in the views and check out the cave houses.

Shots from the top of the world

Kids do their final rituals before heading into the the 'cave house'

but first, you must crack a nut

then off you go...

not to bad for a hole in the wall...

water filtering device

food storage

and of course, formal dining.... and coffee roasting

wow, this place has it all!

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