Monday, January 23, 2012


So excited to be here! There are several other families staying at same place, which has made it nice. Big day yesterday, got to hold my boy for the first time!! He is outgoing, happy, and curious. Appears pretty healthy. I think he and alemayehu will have a blast together.

Hoping to have him with me today. Keeping my fingers crossed. Too much drama with the 'orphanage' so much corruption....police and lawyer now involved. So sad for the kids.

Today will continue to camp out at consulate until they offer up the pieces of paper that are needed so I can come home with jeremie. Kinshasa is big, has been safe so far, no signs of unrest. A lot of UN hanging around.

Beer, not too bad. Bud lightish, big bottles, tastes good after a day of begging your case with the government types!

More later,

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