Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rug Ratts

Lookie momma ....we got us some critters a crawlin da floor!

We are thankful for every day that goes by and lets things get routine.  Man does the Jer love to wear a helmet.  Quite addicted to the things.  But hey, thats a good addiction to have, right?

JerJer does not appear to have any significant signs of attachment disorder.  Moody, sure, but hey, so is Alexi (And me too for that mater).  Like normal people, he can get in a funk.  It typically it does not last beyond 15 min.  

When he gets one of these funks and tries to go hide somewhere, we dont let him.  It would be easier to let him go be anti-social, but that is not in his best interest.  One of us may have to hang off with him somewhere, typically hugging him and rocking him while he chants "nagombe" over and over again.  These spells he undertakes are getting shorter and shorter, thank goodness.

We feel lucky.  We seem to have a good natured and intact soul in our little JerJer.

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