Wednesday, December 5, 2007

frankfurt qickie

Waiting in airport and burning expensive minutes of internet air time. We had 12hrs layover so we went to Heildelberg for a few hrs. Walked the "Christmas market," bought a few items, hiked the castle, but finding our selves a bit nervous about the flight we MUST make to Addis Abba, so we are back here at the Sheraton self medicating to calm the nerves. Pretty much did not sleep much on flight over here, but things have been going smoothly so far.

Yesterday, or is it still yesterday today, or since we were flying into the time zone is it tomorrow??? ...anyway, things went so smoothly so far. We arrived at airport in SLC and there were no lines ....none!.... at the check-in counter. Then we walked up to no line to the security check. I asked the gal

"Is it this good every Tuesday's?"

She replied, "Well it was quite busy this morning, but it sure is nice now" -I agreed with that.

Got the shoes off and emptied the pockets and stood in front of the door frame thingy that some times nabs you with a beep, then its time for "Can I have a body scan on 4" -but no, went thru no problem. Put shoes on, got on plane and no one was flying! More than half the seats were empty. I scammed 3 to my self and Christy had her own row. Heck, on any normal flight I would have slept the whole way. But not this one......too nervous for restful sleep.

So here we are, one glass of medication on board and now we have to go wait in a line to get in a line to wait again for more lines to wait in. (kind of reminds me of the form game.)

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