Monday, January 19, 2009

Grand View Tour Revisited

My buddies on the tour took some great pics that just had to be blogged.

The one below is the first lunch spot shot by Chistian, showing a frazzled me, and J and Weener in background. Oh yea, and Lewie too.

Alexi is not in the pic as we kind of need a break from each other. The first half of this climb I was contemplating turning around as he was very unhappy and crying. Then we discovered he was dressed too warm and was just too hot. Stripping off hats and layers did the trick and he started enjoying the remainder of the climb. In fact, he enjoyed it so much, he started to scream. Remember, that is his latest passion. Screaming for no reason. So loud. So piercing. And, on my back, right in my ear, it was completely grating on my nerves. Were trying not to engage with it, but at the same time we try for redirect, which sometimes works, but at the same time reinforces a reward for screaming. That of getting Pappa or Momma's attention. Cant wait for this phase to pass.After a good set of drops on predictable, carvable north-face zipper crusts, we found our selves starting an attempt on the ridge going up to Grand view peak.
I was completely amazed with Christians ability to get the hang of kickturns and keeping it steady on icy ridges. He's a natural for the backcountry, now we just have to get him educated on how to avoid taking a ride in an avalanche.
The ridge to Grandview was along one. Up and up and up. Pugs humping it after Pops (pic thx to CFJ).

And there were long traverses.....
....across steep, icy faces (last two photos courtesy JH).

To a near summit view resplendent (CFJ).

We made perfect time, grabbing the home run shot as the shadow grew long.

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